My new email for the site is -- [email protected]  and I am adding (slowly) a youtube channel there.
Got my first of 3 corto-steroid injection in my lower spine went well but zero relief 2 days later. I have a major surgery coming up on the 10th of June - modified radical neck dissection of right side. they will be removing all lymph nodes major arteries and a chunk of muscle that will leave me very noticeable. Kind of sux but I guess cancer sux more. I will be 3 - 3 1/2 hrs in surgery and in the hospital for several days I will also be starting Chemo again which will probably keep me in the hospital longer. Until then, I have several pre screen appointments and new medications to get ready. I do not have gas money to get to these appointments or money for my new meds since I don't get my check till the 3rd (and am broke by the 6th paying for Cobra, med refills and various bills + 1 fill up that lasts me a week and a half). Donations, no matter how small are badly needed ASAP so I can take care of these and get ready properly for this major surgery. They will be holding off on the left side since there is currently no sign of cancer on that side (the original side) but if it shows again they will take out all of that side too.

Please, even if you cant donate, retweet, share on your facebook or google +. Get the word out for me. Thank you all very much.

Jump over to the ABOUT MY CANCER EXPERIENCE page and read the updated Blue Section For important preventitive measures you can take quickly and easily

A very special thanks to all who prayed, THE LIVER TESTS WERE NEGATIVE SO FAR. no need to biopsy as of yet but we will continue to watch it. I am getting an outpatient surgery on Wednesday morning - it is the first of 3 epidural Steroid painkiller injections in the base of my spine. then 1 more each month for the next 2  months. This is one step closer to solving my 1 and a half year of constant tear jerking tailbone pain 24/7.

Now, for all you that are keeping score on the cancer front, I am going to the Dr Later today to schedule a radical neck dissection on my right side (yes the same side they just removed 2 nodes to biopsy last week). They cannot do the left side yet cause cancer is not showing currently on that side so we have to wait for it to return -- insurance reasons -- but when I show any sign there --- WE GO ALL IN and remove everything from that side also. (liver will remain monitored also). after this next surgery I begin Chemo again and for those who remember - I don't do well at all with it nausea wise so expect a lengthy hospital stay on IV's for hydration and nutrition.

I really want to take a moment to thank EVERYONE who still tosses a couple to several dollars each month (some even every pay). It means A LOT TO MYSELF and MY WIFE. $5 pays for a couple of my scripts on walmart's $4 list, $10 covers my pain meds (2nd most important) and most importantly  $10 covers each of my anxiety and depression meds (keeps me from eating a bullet along with the love and support from my family and my twitter friends) Without you all I could never afford the many many scripts I need each month. $25 covers a Dr visit copay which adds up to several hundred most months. ***special note*** to all who don't have the means to donate. Hey, I get it, the economy sucks and you have your own financial problems. Just remember I respect you just as much as the people who do donate - love and support are very important too and I appreciate all emails I get at [email protected] or my brand new acct.  [email protected] made just for my cancer stuff.  They give me strength and hope and hearing the cancer stories of you or your loved ones - like a way for both of us to vent.

Wish me luck in my upcoming weeks. If you have the means, donate. (wife gets killed on gas coming to visit me in hospital and the bills don't stop). If you don't have the means - Pray,  send warm thoughts, give a good luck bro message to me or even take a second to even think about me. Karma is a good thing and I will take it.

I really want to thank @TheBrawdCast  @DisruptiveRadio  @Mstrb8tr  @OpiesV  @FNsnatch @cactuspete  @jagerdavid  @akaPRock  @jennie97  @HammyCatra66  @NSRGarret  and everyone else on the 2 shows and in chat last Saturday, I was a mental mess and you guys really raised my spirits and inadvertently talked me off a ledge.  THANK YOU ALL WHO WERE THERE!!!!

I just returned from the Dr's office after finding out that the lymph nodes they just took out were full of cancer and I will probably have to have a radical neck dissection on both side of my neck now to get them all before it spreads. They say my cancer is acting WAY more aggressively than this type normally does. I will have a cat-scan Friday morning because they also found a spot on my liver that may be cancer. will have to do the scan then biopsy to be sure but we are being as aggressive as the cancer in going after it. so all we know for sure at this point is both sides of my neck have cancer and possibly my liver. I will be undergoing chemo again, which for all those keeping score did not go well last time (6 mos in hospital from being so sick from it) I have had all the radiation I can have so I believe that is off the table. This will certainly leave a strain on my wife financially driving back and forth to the hospital so as usual - Any and All Donations are welcomed and appreciated. I will try to post as often as I can with updates from the hospital or home, wherever I end up and when I have internet access. keep up the retweets my twitter friends and GET YOURSELVES CHECKED REGULARLY no matter how young you think you are. Let my story be a lesson. 

pray, send warm thoughts, think about me - do whatever, I will take it... Peace
